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Having ministered to people over many decades in Africa and the British Isles, and with some having transferred out of Africa to overseas destinations, it has become necessary as part of an ongoing ministry to serve those scattered from the British Isles, down into the southern extremities of the African continent and across the vast Indian Ocean, past the Tasman Sea, into the “Isles of New Zealand”.


Since we can’t talk to everybody separately we thought a Blog might serve the purpose of being in contact with everyone with whom we shared many great and fascinating truths from Scripture and prophetic issues affecting our lives on a daily basis.


In essence, the Blog is intended for family and friends, dispersed brethren and others who might benefit from the issues covered by the Christian Commentator.


“Blog-busters” – by that I mean sincere people who surf the net searching for truth which will set them free from erroneous religious traditions of men and societies – who chance upon the site by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are, naturally, welcome. We believe they will be the thinking, examining, and truth-seeking minority in an increasingly skeptical and disbelieving world. Christ indicated that “few are chosen” [Mt 22:14] to understand the eternal truths that we will address and that His true disciples will comparatively remain a “little [small] flock” [Lk 12:14].


Christian Commentator is not intended as a proselytising site seeking to build a church. Christ knows his own and He does the calling through whatever means suitable to each individual. However, that being said, it does not militate against complying with His instruction to “go into all the world” to create a platform for reaching any who might be called by His foreknowledge and grace.

Each internet platform might, typologically, be paralleled to the members of the early church who, being “scattered abroad … preach[ed] the Word”. Some reached many, others only a few. The numbers did not matter. What counted was the fact that they “went everywhere …” [Acts 8:4].


Similarly, the internet presents each of us with an opportunity to reach out to others, allowing them to respond voluntarily. Nobody will feel compelled, except as they are prompted and inspired by an inner conviction inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

Christian Commentator is one such “platform” through which our Heavenly Father through Christ might call any whom He has earmarked for a divine interaction with Him and His eternal redemptive plan!


You might be instrumental in such a Christ-calling knowing WHAT A STUPENDOUS ACCOMPLISHMENT that would be in view of the fact that the entirety of the heavenly hosts rejoice when even ONE person turns to Christ! [Luke 15:10].


Therefore, in submission to this command, and the incomprehensible eternal reward attached to that, we encourage all like-minded readers to invite others to link to our email subscribers’ list. 


We trust you, your family, and your friends will find the journey mentally challenging, personally rewarding, educationally insightful, deeply stimulating, spiritually uplifting, God-inspiring, and eternally rewarding!


Welcome aboard!

Pastor Gordon

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